Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Groundhug Day cover reveal!

I just recieved a note from my incredibly talented friend, author Anne Marie Pace. It looks like the cover from our new book, Groundhug Day (Disney Hyperion, December 5th, 2017) has been revealed!

Screen grab series.

An in-process screen shot from a book that I finished up recently.Groundhug Day by Anne Marie Pace. Look for it this winter.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Happy belated tax day?

Another installment from my "belated" post series!
You can always check my Illustrator page (Christopher Denise Illustrator)  on Facebook.

Friday, May 26, 2017


This was from very early spring.
Harvesting buttercups with my littlest gardener. So much to be grateful for.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Happy belated Valentines Day!

Seems I forgot quite a few, as in all, my posts for the blog.
Better late then never, I suppose, especially with good wishes!