Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Inside the studio.

It could be easy to believe that we (Illustrators & Writers) hang around all day sipping tea and waiting for inspiration. Just for the record, there is a fair amount of caffeine consumed on a daily basis but know that most of them run a pretty tight production schedule.

Here is a screenshot of my calendar from February. I've redacted some of the personal information.

Tap to enlarge

I create excel worksheets to update the estimated amount of time required to finish each piece. I then take that total and divide it into work blocks that are placed in my calendar. Each one of those purple tasks represents a 1.5 to 3 hr block of time dedicated to a specific piece (page) of my current book. Those blocks can be dragged to different days to suit my preferences. 

For example, let's pretend it is February 4th. 

Detail of February 4th

The first item on that day is "WB_6_7_woods". If I am really making headway on pages 6-7 I can drag an extra block of time over to that current day and move something from February 4th to another day. The blocks are checked off when they have been completed. 

I know that there is production schedule software out there but as you can see, I have little time to get up and running with a new program and this method seems to work for me.



#christopherdeniseillustrator #christopherdenise #productionschedule #studio

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